Chapter 24
"we are close"
Shad walked in front of me, and we took some turns and corners that I'd never seen before. I guess I don't get out much because I've been seeing a lot of new places recently.
Shad seemed to be getting a little slower and more cautious as we got closer, we came to an abandoned warehouse and we hid behind a building. There were several shadow men wandering sluggishly around, some were starting to look around as we approached.
"Steven your smell, it's topping them off" the shadow men started to look around. "I want to try something, look at me and tell me if you see any change." I put all my focus on not being found, I closed my eyes and willed myself to turn invisible again like on the roof.
"wow, how'd you do that? Where did you go?" It looks like it worked, shad couldn't see me. "Hmmm your scent is still coming off but if we can't see you then it should buy you some time to walk around, just don't stay still for too long.""Alright go on home if you'd like shad, thanks for taking me." He nodded and backed up before turning a corner and disappearing.
I walked out into the open and headed straight for the warehouse door.
"smell.... Nice" the shadow men seemed confused but started looking around to find the source of the smell. Thankfully I was able to avoid the with my guided footsteps and invisible mode.
I entered the warehouse, it was dark and musty but there was a small area with a love cushion with a crow lying down in the center.
Talon spoke, "you may have fooled my guards, but I can sense you... Steven."
His eyes were closed, "you have a distinct smell... It drives my men particularly wild if you are nearby... Though wild may be an exaggeration."
He opened one eye and stared directly at me, then his eye started around looking for any sort of movement. "So I guess you have discovered your powers then?.... That's too bad but at least we know you are only capable of snooping around, avoiding people, and tinkering with your little toys. I will admit that your ability to nullify Thorne's brainwashing is quite surprising too. So many powers... All of them utterly useless when faced against my majesty!"
A powerful dark aura shot out all around the crow as he flapped is wings. A terrible shrieking sound came from him. Fear suddenly overcame me and I almost fell to my knees, but almost as suddenly as his aura was revealed, my chest glowed with a white light and I felt more courage and clarity than ever before.
"ahhhh there you are!" He leaped off the love seat and distorted into a man, with white hair and a fur coat. He started walking towards me. I let down my invisibility. "Well I uh just came to say hi, I'll be off now." I quickly turned around when suddenly a black whip wrapped around my neck
I was yanked back, but I stayed standing. I grabbed at the dark whip and started pulling. White light started to infect the black whip, flakes of darkness shedded from the whip as it turned into white.
"ah!" Talon dropped the whip and it loosened.
"what are you!" He cried, then he shot out dark blasts at me, they were like giant dark fire balls, but they were cold. They shot out at me and I couldn't dodge in time. I held my arms up to block them.
I was sent flying backwards and I hit my head on the back wall. My arms were ice cold and I was gasping for air. I picked myself up from the ground onto my hands and knees.
What was this power? It's nothing like Frans strength but it hurts like crazy. My chest began to glow again and suddenly I felt warmth in my arms again. I could suddenly breath again and my head pain was gone. I quickly stood up.
Talon looked disgruntled, "that's one difficult power you've got there. I don't think Ill be able to subdue you."
I asked with hope, "you mean you'll let me go?"
He laughed, "Hahaha! No, if I can't use my powers against you I'll just have to overpower you physically. That way you can't interfere with my plans." His dark aura dropped and suddenly there was a strange stillness to him. You could hear a pen drop. An evil smiled curled from his lips.