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Chapter 18

The night came, and we finished eating. It was time to go home, but I still had one more goal tonight. A kiss. A perfect kiss for a perfect date. My heart starting beating louder the more I thought about it. 


We began walking down the street to our house, but my feet stopped... All on their own. Instead of feeling like we should take a specific route back home something felt off, like we couldn't go anywhere. 


"Steven, everything alright?" Fran was only slightly concerned at first. 


"I'm not sure why Fran but it doesn't feel safe right now... Anywhere" 


She had that determined look on her face that she does sometimes when she goes super mode. The protector... But can she still fill that role now? 


We looked all around us but didn't see anything yet, "maybe we should hide?" I suggested, and Fran nodded without a word. We hid behind a bush nearby and we waited. 


Soon several shadowmen approached where we were as if blocking off our escape. Since when did they get so coordinated, I could see the shadowmen had those glowing red eyes this time too. If we get caught this could be really bad. 


"Fran don't go." I whispered as I held her back from going in to fight. 


She looked at me and wife ed her eyes on realization, "oh my gosh... I don't have my powers right now" we were holding hands tightly as we watched the shadowmen wander in the area, like they were looking for us. 


I looked at Fran to see how she was doing, but I noticed her golden light was shining just a bit bright right now. 


"are you trying to activate your powers?" I gasped 


"well I have to try! I have to keep you safe Steven!" My heart started beating even faster. Fran was in no position to fight those guys, especially the beefed up versions. 


One of the shadowmen started heading in our direction searching for us. We had to do something, and honestly fighting was not an option. 


I remembered something I had brought along with me, something if been to keeping with for a while now but only recently it started working how I expected. A tool I made for Fran. 


I reached into my pocket to check it was there, sure enough my device was waiting, ready to assist us. This was my moment to show Fran what I was made of. 


"Fran, don't move. I'll protect us this time." 


"what!? No Steven don't do anything stupid" 


I pulled out a small metal tube and showed her, gave her a wink and put my finger on her lips to shush her. I thought that would be a lot sexier but it kind of turned into a weird cringe moment that you wish you could take back. My internal self suffered the pains of a thousand lashes as I wished I could take that back. Fran just squinted her eyes at me, grabbed my hand again and said, "just do what you were going to do!" Right this was no times for jokes. 


The lone shadowman got closer and I threw the device back onto the street, 




Zap, zzzzzzzaaaap, zap, zap 


The device started shooting out blue electricity arcing and hitting the shadowmen within the area, they all writhed in pain, grunting but not screaming. It worked perfectly! 


"run!" I shouted, this time I grabbed Frans hand and bolted to our houses, it seems the shadowmen were still stunned and we made it to my house. 


"what was that? That was awesome!" Fran was out of breath but made sure to compliment my new tool. 


I smirked, "I've been wanting to help you out for a while now. That is my first tool, I call it, "the zapper" ...... 


you could hear the crickets chirping outside 


"yeah ok, that's a good name" she held in a laugh. 


"ok I'm still working on the name hahahah, it is a really great tool though, I specifically made it so it wouldn't hear people or things that it affected, instead it would just stun and shock them enough to stop them from moving" 


Fran punched my shoulder lightly, "nice" then gave me a little kiss on my cheek. 


My ears got hit and my cheeks felt warm too, I nervously sputtered out, "uh yeah haha I just wanted to be helpful, it's not big deal" I smiled embarrassed about the peck.  


We sat quietly at the door waiting for more sounds of the shadowmen, but none came. It seems we were safe this time, thank goodness. 


"I guess I'd better get home..." Fran looked a bit dissappointed 


"ok, I'll watch you go home just to make sure you are safe!" 


We walked out and I went to my door, waves goodbye and we both went inside. 


My heart was still pumping so loudly, what a crazy night. 


Oszd meg a gondolataidat!Legyél te az első hozzászóló!

Shean Stanks



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