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Chapter 17

Today is the day I finally get to go out with Fran! Our dates haven't really worked out lately but this one will be good, I'm sure! 


I got ready for our movie date by putting on my "Gilgar, revenge of kragbar" shirt, it's our favorite movie. 


I get to Frans door and she comes out almost right as I walk up. 


"let's watch Gilgar!!!" 


She kind of growled as she said it, she grabbed my hand and rushed us down the street. She was wearing a new pink fuzzy shirt and jeans, oddly similar to what Rebecca was wearing yesterday. She looks really cute in this, very different from how Rebecca looked.  


"wait Fran slow down! Even without your powers your still faster than me! Hahaha" 


She pulled me closer so that we would be walking side by side, but she didn't let go of my hand. 


Bum bump, my heart started to beat a little louder with each second she held me hand. It's like a tingling feeling but not like how your arm falls asleep. A sensation that your holding hands with a girl you like, can't get any more descriptive than that. 


We walked a little slower now which was nice, we could enjoy the time together. My feet started leading us away from the alley though. 


"Steven, where are you taking us?" 


I didn't really know either but I just felt like we should go this way for some reason. 


"the scenic route" 


We both stared down a dark shady alley, yup definitely creepy, and I called it a scenic route?!  


Fran gave me a weird look, like maybe I went a little crazy or something, "uh... Ok... Sure" 


We took lots of twisting turns and even backtracked a little, sometimes it felt totally random, but I just felt the need to follow my gut her for some reason. Thankfully Fran was actually having a good time, 


"oh I see, you just wanted to take your time walking with me huh, hahah" 


Sure, yeah... Totally... That's exactly what I am doing 


"you got me!"  


So far no shadowmen this time either... How strange.  


We finally made it to the movies and we got some popcorn, snacks and even played some small arcade games in the lobby while we waited for the movie to start. We got to the digital jump rope machine and decided to try doing it together instead of one at a time... We lost instantly hahaha.  


The movie was starting and as we watch captain Gilgar shoot the evil alien scum Fran had her hand laying on the arm wrest, palm up. I decided to grab it and she curled her fingers tightly around mine. More sparks rolled up my arm. That was the best movie I've ever seen. 


We finished the movie and I took her to a sandwich shop close by to the movies. 


"so Fran, what did you mean "I'm free" at the hospital earlier?" 


Fran furled her brow a bit while sucking on her straw,  


"I think I've just been wanting a break so I could finally spend some time with you without any interruptions" 


She almost said it like it was obvious. But that made me embarrassed, knowing a girl liked you enough to want to spend time with you feels nice. 


"you still have some power left, when you tried using it the other day I could see just a little butt - uh, bit Of the golden wisps coming off..." 


I stared with eyes wide down at my sandwich as I took 2 giant bites hoping she wouldn't realize what is said. 


"I feel like my powers are still here but I just can't access them tho, anyways I'm not too worried, thornes probably taken care of all the shadow guys anyways. We didn't even see any on our way home!" 


There was a small hint of worry in her words. I can't say I haven't worried about the shadowmen either, with Frans powers gone I'm not sure we could fight them, let alone escape. But right now I wanted to have this moment with her. 


"oh, you got some mustard right there on your lip, here let me get it" 


I absently wiped her top lip with my thumb smearing even more mustard and mayo on the space between her nose and mouth. 


"uh oops" realizing I just touched her lips, I backed off quickly 


She quickly wiped her face with a napkin while blushing. Then she stuck her thumb in her sandwich so it was covered in mustard and mayo. 


"oH No! Looks Like you have something on your face!"  


Why was she making such a weird voice like that? 


"what where?" I touched my chin to make sure I wasn't a mess. 


Then she smeared her thumb all over my cheek. 


I let out a startled shout, "Ah! Hahahah" we laughed and cleaned up our dirty faces 




"wish granted my foot!" Thorne stared off at Steven and Fran having a good time. This wasn't what she thought would happen. Why didn't the shadowmen find them? 


"patience, Thorne" talon shrugged a little. 

"this wish isn't over yet" 


Thorne huffed angrily, "you're supposed to make them hate each other!" 


Talon sat down, "all in good time. Your wish will be granted. I always keep my promises." 


Thorne crossed her arms and sat down next to talon fuming. How was she supposed to get close to Steven with that girl in the way. 


"what happens if you don't fulfill my wish, then what?" 


Talons amused face turned cold, "that won't happen, I'll grant your wish no matter what it takes..." 


Thorne felt an even darker angrier feeling coming from talon.  


What's got him so upset? It's my wish geeze.  


She stared at the two love birds enjoying themselves and anger began to turn to disappointment.  


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Shean Stanks



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