Chapter 8
I was clenching my eyes shut out of fear that hitting the concrete was going to be extremely painful, but surprisingly I didn't feel any pain. I opened my eyes and felt the ground beneath me. It was like the texture of a vine, I was caught by some sort of plant. It swayed a little bit as I got onto my feet. What in the world? A couple feet below me was the broken concrete and coming out of the wreckage was a giant stem. I was caught in what looked like a rose.
The shadow monsters (shades) were crawling towards me and my new flower friend. The ground shifted below as the concrete cracked and more vines whips around the shades crushing them, their red auras started to fade as the shadows dispersed and ran away almost out of fear. I couldn't see the red glowing haze anymore.
"you should be more careful, you almost got eaten alive out there."
This was a new voice. I whipped around to see who was talking. It was a red haired girl wearing a black and green spandex outfit. She seemed about my age and she was walking towards me with a sway in her step. The plant shrank and shriveled allowing me to touch the ground again
"are you the one who caught me with that rose?"
She got up close to me and took a deep breath,
"man you do smell good, no wonder the mist creatures are so attracted to you."
Mist creatures? Wait smell good? What was this girl saying. She was almost too close now, her face was only a couple of inches away from mine. She she had a smooth curved smile as she came even closer till Fran suddenly came out of the nearby bushes still dressed in her school uniform.
"Steven! You alright? I came as soon as I could, who is this lady?"
She said lady like it was some kind of insult. She seemed tired though, something was wrong. She looked weaker and in pain. Those red aura shades might have had an effect on her.
"I'm alright, Fran this is... uh what's your name?"
The red haired girl flipped her hair and put her hands on her hips in a relaxed but confident pose
"I'm thorne, I'm the new super hero in town"