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Chapter 7 - Steven

"Steven, Wake up!" 


I turned over and opened my eyes. Fran was floating in my bedroom, her hair and eyes were glowing. She was surrounded by The shades but something was different. These shades glowed red.


" Fran, what's going on!? Why are there so many of them!?" 


There were nearly 20 shades trying to attack Fran who was standing in front of me. 


"They all came suddenly! It looks like they are after you! Grab my hand!" 


My heart was racing not just because I was in danger but the thought of holding Fran's hand. I grab her outstretched hand quickly and she jumped out the window after flinging me onto her back. 


"What's going on Steven? Did something happen last night? You were asleep till late afternoon today!" 


I can't remember anything special happening other than wanting things to feel better. I just wanted to make our relationship better, I wanted to fix the things that went wrong... why did I sleep so long? 


" I can also see the shades glowing now..." 


She gave me a weird look. 


"glowing? These look just like the other boo- I mean shades, but they are a bit stronger. I can't make them disappear in one punch anymore." 


That's very odd. I looked behind us and there was a horde of shades after us now, it looked like a giant red glob of mist. This can't be good. Why was I seeing them glowing now? Why can't Fran see them glowing? 


"Fran, what are we gonna do? There are more of them now!" 


Just as I looked forward a shade was flying straight for us, Fran didnt notice it above her because she was looking for a place to land. 


"Look out!" 




The flying shade wiped us out and I was suddenly in a tumbling fall. I couldn't straighten myself out and I couldn't make sense of up or down, but I knew I was going to hit the floor fast! 




The sound of breaking concrete as I landed. 


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